
Showing posts from 2015

Charity Fair Exhibition Night & Project 12/16/15

        What I Did              The project that Adventure did was called a Charity Fair.  The project was to find a charity and give facts about why it should be the charity for your grade.  Then we had to write a persuasive essay about why the student council should chose this charity (Diego and I chose St. Jude Children's Research Hospital) and the essay had to be 5 paragraphs long ( for my class ).  Another thing you had to do was figure out the carbon footprint for your item that you are going to sell.  Other things you had to do involve cost and profit analysis.   The Start of the Project Blog What I learned from doing this project is what a school fair is all about which is the people learning from your presentation not you, well partly you. The other thing I learned is in order to get people to come look at your project you need to be organized. Another thing I learned was that it is easier to do projects with partners, atleast for me, because it allows you to get

Carbon Footpirnt - Charity Fair 12/11/15

     This week my class is learning about carbon footprints in science for our charity fair projects. What I learned this week about carbon footprints is that it is mostly about the weight and distance that the item travels. The way to find a carbon footprint for an item is knowing it's origin, how far it is traveling ( in KM ), what is the likely way it is going to travel by, how much CO2 will be generated by likely mode of transport ( in KG ), and finally how much will the item weigh if you had to make 1,000 of your finished product ( in KG ). When you are finally done with all of that you multiply the amount of KM the item is traveling, how much CO2 will be generated by likely mode of transportation, and how much it will weigh if you made 1,000 of you r finished product. The way I learned about carbon footprints was by doing a google document on it. So all in all learning about carbon footprints was hard but a fun learning experience.

Symbiotic Relationships 10/12/25

   This week I learned about what a symbiotic relationships are. Because my science class got a paper to do with Ms. Johnson about symbiotic relationships. Symbiotic relationships mean mutualism, commensalism, parasitism and competition. But my class only learned about mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Mutualism is when both organisms benefit, commensalism is when one organism benefits but the other organism doesn't get hurt, and parasitism is when one organism benefits while the other organism is getting harmed. An example of mutualism is splitting money in half, both organisms (  humans ) benefit because one organism is getting money and the other organism is too. An example of commensalism is a bird having a nest on a tree the bird is benefiting by getting a place to live/stay but the tree isn't getting harmed. An example of parasitism is lice in your hair the lice is benefiting by getting to have food but the human is getting harmed because it is losing blood.   

Producer, Decomposer, and Consumer & Omnivore, Carnivore, Insectivore, and Herbivore 11/6/15

            This week we learned about the differences between an omnivore, carnivore, insectivore, and herbivore also what they are. We also learned in science what are the differences producers, decomposers, and consumers also what they are. So what we did in class to learn this we played some games on our computer to learn about producers, decomposers, and consumers. What we did to learn about omnivores, carnivores, insectivores, and herbivores is we did two work sheets. Although this may sound boring it was still a fun learning experience.             Link for Image I Searched on Google Link for Image I Searched on Google

The Photosynthesis Challenge and Game 10/29/15

          This week in science I learned about photosynthesis. Basically photosynthesis is how plants get food. This is how photosynthesis works: first plants simply get these four things to create the food sun, carbon dioxide , water, and soil nutrients. Then the water and the carbon dioxide have a chemical reaction and create sugar and oxygen. I also learned that there is an equation for photosynthesis. One other thing I learned is that without photosynthesis the world would pretty much have no vegetables. I learned this because in science we had a problem about how Chloroplasts Jr. could not get food because Chloroplasts Sr. was leaving and this was my answer. Chloroplasts Jr. would simply have to get these four things to get food: sun, carbon dioxide , water, and soil nutrients. Then the water and the carbon dioxide have a chemical reaction and create sugar and oxygen and that is how Chloroplasts Jr. could get food.  Link For Image I Searched On Google Link For

Nervous System Project Blog 10/21/15

This is my my project image for the image part of the project blog.     For the body system project my class had to pick a body system and then we had to answer  interview questions. We also had to make a compelling argument and what we had to do for the compelling argument is we had to write about why our group's body system (my group was the nervous system) was the best system in the body on a google slide, google doc, or on a poster. We also had  to make an acceptance speech. What I learned by doing this project was what the nervous system works  with, what role the nervous system play in keeping the human body functioning properly, who (what) are the various members (parts) of the nervous system, what would happen if the nervous system din't do it's job, and what humans must do to keep the nervous system working properly in their body.  I knew that the nervous system makes the body feel, talk, and move. I knew that the nervous system helps the br

Systems In a Human Body Info Paper 10/15/15

Friday and Monday we were writing down the definitions of (I believe) organelles that are part of the urinary and digestive system. Here are some examples of some of the organs my class had to write down the definitions for, the esophagus, the pancreas, the liver, the small intestine, and the large intestine. One thing that I forgot to add is that there was one other paper that had the definitions down for my class because I did not want anybody thinking that my teacher would make us write the definitions on our own out of the blue. The way we knew the definitions was because on Thursday or Friday I forgot which day any ways my teacher showed what every organ that we had to write the definition for what each organ did in order. But the fun part was she assigned every single person in my science class an organ to make it fun. What also helped was that Ms. J went over the answers with my science class also she allowed us to switch our answers if we got them wrong that especially helped

The Urinary System 10/8/15

Today in science my class learned about the urinary system. One thing I learned about the urinary system is that you would die without it. Because it tells your body when it is time to go to the bathroom and if nothing told your body and brain when it is time to go to the bathroom then you would die because their would be to much waste in your body. So what we did in class is we had a paper and it had information about the urinary system and we had to answer questions on the paper. My class did each question together including Ms. J, my class also read the text together. This is what I mean by we read the text together so basically anybody could jump in after a person was done reading a little bunch of text. The link to this picture         

Presenting Organelle Project 10/1/15

         On Monday and Tuesday all the groups for the organelle project for science in Ms. Johnson's class presented their posters. Well we didn't really present them more like shared them. What I mean by shared is we got a paper to write down answers that the paper asked on each and every poster including your own and the group that I was in did chloroplasts. The hardest part about doing this paper was getting all the facts down because some posters wrote a lot, other posters you couldn't understand the writing, and others didn't even answer the question that the paper asked. The questions that were asked were what is the crime, the physical description, what was the accomplices, and the location of the organelle.  To: Ms. Johnson                                                                                                                                                                                             

The Chloroplasts Project 9/24/15

This week in school my class was doing a project on something that is in a cell for example my table did the chloroplast. On the poster that we are doing the project on we have to write the location of the part of the cell you are doing, why it is wanted, its physical description,  and it's accomplices. We had to research everything on our own and only got some help from our science teacher. One thing that I personally thought was cool was that you could do your project on a computer and print it out. One other thing that we had to do for our posters was draw and color based on your physical description which my friend did for our table group. The last thing that I would like to say is that I thought the project really fun but challenging at the same time which is what I like.                                                        To: Ms. Johnson                                                   From: Nicolas        

Bill Nye Paper 9/17/15

Bill Nye the science guy. On Wednesday and Tuesday my class did a paper on cells using a Bill Nye the science guy video. Some questions we had to answer are how many cells does a human have, how many cells does a human start with, and what are two things you have learned from this video. My answer for what are two things you have learned this video are a human body has about 500 trillion cells. Also a human body starts with one cell. One more thing is that today we did a thing called bird brain but  I couldn't finish cause I was talking.

The Importance of Science 9/9/15

      Yesterday my class learned in science based on a guys video why science is important. What we did was we sited, noted, and wrote down things from what we gathered on w shycience is important based on the video. Here are some examples of what I gathered/learned about why science is important  from the video. My first one is in science you can calculate an study things to  make them easier. My second reason is science separates real/true things from lies/myths/false things. My third reason is science has a logical explanation for mostly everything. My fourth reason is that science helps us discover new things to make the world a better or sometimes a worse place. Lastly my fifth and final reason is that science science made everything, the world is science, and without science we would die.                                                     This is the link that I searched on google.

Observation and Inference 8/31/15

I searched the picture on google       Last week we learned what an observation and an inference means also what the differences are between them. An observation is what you can physically see or read, or it is what it looks like, or it's quality, how many of something. An inference is what you think is going to happen  based on your observation. So that is one thing my class learned in science last week.        Here is an example of a observation and inference together, so on Sunday during our workout for karate I told my partner I'm first down the hill. I said that because my observation was we usually go down that hill, we just did a bunch of running and we usually go down that hill when our workout is done, and everybody looked tired (observation) but we didn't.  So I thought that we are going to run some more and do pushups, sit-ups, and mountain climbers (inference). We

8/25/15 weekly blog

School is hard especially with all the stuff we have to sign up on in science. But some parts of it are fun like today I learned how to blog and this is my first ever blog in my life. I also learned how to use websites properly and how to use all the school websites. Another thing I learned what you should if something bad happens,I learned that in science. I also learned how to be responsible,respectful,and safe in a classroom in science.