The Chloroplasts Project 9/24/15

This week in school my class was doing a project on something that is in a cell for example my table did the chloroplast. On the poster that we are doing the project on we have to write the location of the part of the cell you are doing, why it is wanted, its physical description,  and it's accomplices. We had to research everything on our own and only got some help from our science teacher. One thing that I personally thought was cool was that you could do your project on a computer and print it out. One other thing that we had to do for our posters was draw and color based on your physical description which my friend did for our table group. The last thing that I would like to say is that I thought the project really fun but challenging at the same time which is what I like. 

                                                      To: Ms. Johnson
                                                  From: Nicolas



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