Carbon Footpirnt - Charity Fair 12/11/15

     This week my class is learning about carbon footprints in science for our charity fair projects. What I learned this week about carbon footprints is that it is mostly about the weight and distance that the item travels. The way to find a carbon footprint for an item is knowing it's origin, how far it is traveling ( in KM ), what is the likely way it is going to travel by, how much CO2 will be generated by likely mode of transport ( in KG ), and finally how much will the item weigh if you had to make 1,000 of your finished product ( in KG ). When you are finally done with all of that you multiply the amount of KM the item is traveling, how much CO2 will be generated by likely mode of transportation, and how much it will weigh if you made 1,000 of you r finished product. The way I learned about carbon footprints was by doing a google document on it. So all in all learning about carbon footprints was hard but a fun learning experience.


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