Heat 3/5/17

Image result for three ways heat moves
This week I learned a lot about heat, I learned how it moves and some examples of it by taking notes reading articles and doing a couple of assignments on it. I learned there are three forms of how heat moves conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the direct transfer of heat when one thing (substance ) and another are touching each other. For example, when you are on the beach and it's a hot day the sand is making your feet hot because of conduction. Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid and hot air rises and cool air sinks like shown in the picture. Radiation is the direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves. For example, when you go outside and it is hot the sun heat's your face because of radiation.

S&EP 2_Devoloping and Using Models-

This week I created a model by making a foldable that showed what each form of heat was and a picture to show it. This is creating a model I created something that showed different things with different sections which is what a model is. My model showed 3 ways of heat moved and something to show it.


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