Start of Cell Wars 9/18/16

       This week we started a new project called cell wars, and the point of cell wars is to sell why your organelle is the best out of all the other ones, and my organelle is the cell wall. One thing I have learned this week is that a cell wall is in every plant cell and plant cell only. Also that they chloroplast is in the plant cell so we will be smearing them a lot (smear means talk smack  about another organelle in a nice educational way). Another thing I learned is that the cell walls function. The cell walls function is it creates the plants shape and it determines what comes in and out of each cell to keep the each cell protected. The last thing I learned was that the cell wall protects bacteria from coming into the cell.

S&EP 1-Asking questions and defining problems:

       This week I asked a lot of questions. The types of questions I asked are the already known things about the cell wall but not known by my group. One question I asked was what is the function of the cell wall and another question was what is the cell wall made of. All those questions got answered. We found one problem though that it will be harder for us to sell or idea because unlike other organelles we are only in the plant and not in the human body. This is a problem because then some people will believe that we are not as important. But because of the last question I asked that won't be a problem. The question was what is the importance of cell walls, and it answered it helps keep plants and plant cells alive. That makes it easier because without plants  people wouldn't have oxygen to breath so cell walls are vital for humans. So that is the importance of asking scientific questions you truly learn about why things are important and you can use that information in life.


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