My Circuit 4/23/16

Regular Circuit Link
     My science class had to do a project that involved circuit.  What we had to do for that project was we had to make a parallel or series circuit and then do a paper on our circuit. I chose to do a series circuit and my partner was (you didn't have to have a partner) Ethan.  One thing I learned was that you could make really cool inventions by making a circuit.   Another thing I learned was that for some circuits it is easy to explain to people how the circuit works because the circuit is pretty simple but for some people it is hard because their circuit is very complicated.  I learned is that tin foil is a great tool when using circuits.  Because it is a platform basically it is also great because it can fold so it is good to put around bowls so the bowl (that is now covered) can be used for many different types of circuits.  The last thing I learned was that if you have one battery that has a lot of volts and you put a light on it you could literally burn the light out or burn yourself (but not the fire way).

    One thing I knew before this project started was what are conductors and what aren't conductors or insulators.  The things that are conductors are things that are metallic.  Another thing I knew was what series and parallel circuits are.  A parallel circuit is a circuit that has 2 or more of the same thing that is using or allowing the electricity flow to keep moving and will never touch each other.  A series circuit is a circuit that has 2 or more of the same thing that is using electricity or allowing the electricity flow to move.  The last thing I knew was that if you have 2 or more lights it is better to have the same amount of batteries as lights than just having one battery because then each light won't be too bright because each light is sharing the energy.  Meanwhile with the other circuit with the same amount of batteries as lights, each light will get one full battery's power.

     I feel pretty good about my project because I know it works.  One thing I liked about my project was that me and my partner made it up from our minds and not from looking at pictures and stealing ideas.  I also like that it involved different things being used to make and be actually in the project. I dislike that our circuit wasn't that awesome because I like it a lot more when I make something and it is super cool. The thing I enjoyed about our project was that it didn't take that long to build and to do the paper so we got time to help people and to look at people's project.

     I would give my project an A because I feel I did very well on it. One reason is because it is because our project has everything Ms. Johnson wanted are project to be.  She wanted our projects to be a project that was an invention, that was series or parallel circuit, and that you made it yourself and you didn't by materials from home.  My last reason is on our paper we explained pretty well.

      The thing that I would change if I could do this project all over again is spending more time on the circuit itself. One reason is we could of made it cooler.  We could of used more materials so it could stand out from other peoples projects.  The last thing is we could of made it look nicer and cleaner, because our project is kind of messy.

     So in conclusion I liked this project and I learned a lot from doing it but I feel I could of done better.


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