Urban Village Project Blog 5/21/17


     What we had to do for this project was was first think of a redesign for a certain place on campus then speak with a client about their redesign then actually build their redesign. Then after that we got to think really out of the box because we had to make an urban school type of thing and it had certain money, area requirements, and more. We also had to do some science part of it and include some laws involving the health of the city. What I learned was that including accords in your city can really hep your city to be sustainable. For example, having accords for energy and having to use renewable energy can help cities to retain money. I also learned that you can really make certain places amazing from conserving money. If you can conserve money then you can use that extra money you may have to add cool things like an arcade and things like that.


      What I knew about the subject before we started was how to calculate area which we had to do for math. Another thing I knew was how to build a model because of the experience I had with building them before. Also I knew how to make an ignite presentation, powerpoint, and pitch which is what we had to combine to make all in one for ELA. One other thing I knew was what an urban village is and what an urban village is, is it's a space that has everything needed for the residents that live there and the goal of it is for it to be sustainable and for the space to be community-driven. The last thing I knew was how to build a blueprint which was one of the hardest parts of the project, building a blueprint is pretty much a final draft and it has all the measurements of the space, where the doors and windows are, where the walls are, etc.


     I feel very good about my work, I feel that we did good in everything and that we followed everything that was supposed to be done. What I like about my work is that it is unique and different from others in a good way. What I don't like about it is the fact that I did more work than everyone else and this was supposed to be a team project and I wanted everyone to feel like they deserve to feel good about it but now I don't know if they can. What I enjoyed about my work is that it is creative and being creative is one of my favorite things to do so my project being creative really makes me happy. 


     I would give my work an A, this is because we did everything that was supposed to be done and the exact way we were told. I feel that we did very good in the math portion as well because I double checked our calculations and they were correct. Also because everything looked to scale in our blueprints and everything looked reasonable in our interior furnishings.  One other reason is because we gave really good explanations in what our accords for our urban village mean to us.  Also because our mission statement is very strong and it really represents what our urban village really means to us. We also have a very nice build of our clients idea of the renovation of the school and it is to scale and looks very nice. The last reason is because everything my group has done for ELA has been amazing and has been overall very nice.


     What I would change if I could do this project over again is most importantly allow my teammates to do more of the work because I feel that I did the most work and I want it to be split evenly. Also paying more attention time to our draft and our finance report because that was the hardest part of the project and it really was making the rest of the project harder. This is because all the other parts of the project had to be done after the finance report and once we thought our finance report was done we realized we had a wrong calculation and that caused all of us to have to do lots of work at home. One other thing I would change is spending more time collaborating with my team because if we did that we would all be on the same page and get stuff done faster and not get mad at each other for not doing what we wanted.  The last thing I would change is kind of trusting my team a bit more which goes with my first thing that I would change because if I trusted my team more then I wouldn't constantly try and just do there part and if I just trusted them then the work would be split more evenly.


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