My Superhero Project Blog 2/2/17


Image result for Silver Banshee
Silver Banshee (my superhero's villain wife) Link
     This week we finished our My Superhero project where we had to make a superhero, choose a villain mate, create their kid based off their parent's genes, and do other things based off those three. What I learned was how to use punnet squares, which is write the parent's genotypes on top and on a side then fill in the blanks based off those. I also learned about what mutations are and how they occur, which is when the cell copies the DNA it has a typo of usually just one base (letter) and never catches it. Another thing I learned was that if their is 1 dominant gene in all four possibilities in the punnet squares that means their is a 100% chance that the child will have that dominant trait. If there is only recessive alleles in all of the possibilities of the punnet square that means that the child will automatically get the recessive allele. This is because the dominant trait always covers the recessive trait but if there isn't any dominant allele then there isn't anything to cover the recessive allele. The other thing I learned is that the dominant trait is represented by an upper case letter and a recessive trait is represented by a lower case letter.


    What I knew before the project was what cells are which are little things in your body that help your body function. Another thing I knew was what some body systems do and how they help you. The digestive system helps you digest the food you eat, the urinary system helps you take out all the toxins in your body, and the circulatory system helps your body breath. Another thing I knew was that your DNA has the same DNA as your parents 50% mom and 50% dad. The last thing I knew was that because of the fact that you have your parents DNA that means you have some of the same traits as them for example, hair color, eye shape and color, and ear shape.


    I feel good about my project because I feel that I learned so much that I put all of my knowledge into each part. One part I liked about my project was it was both creative and scientific which is exactly what was asked. What I didn't like was my drawings because if they were better I feel like it would of made everything that much better. What I enjoyed about the project was I really got to be super creative which gives me options which I like.


     I would give my project an A- or higher. This is because I feel like in some parts I didn't explain enough and didn't put as much effort into it like I know I could. Also because I feel like I did a lot of things right and checked the rubric. One other reason though is I feel I could've made it more organized and neater to make it more clear. Another reason is I feel like I put a good amount of scientific facts into it which is good and important in a science project. The last reason is I feel like I wrote a lot which is good but I feel like because I wrote a lot I didn't make in neat because I was writing so fast.


     What I would change if I could do this project again is spend more time proof reading what I wrote and put down. This is because I feel like I had some spelling mistakes and so I could make words more clear. What I would also change like how I said above being neater, and I would do this by not writing and drawing so fast. Another thing I would change is maybe changing the name of my superhero's because I feel like their names weren't cool and nonintimidating, The last thing I would change is maybe changing some of the parts of my superhero, for example the beak, I would take it out because it doesn't look cool, plus I already had wings to represent the peregrine.


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