Matter 2/13/16

All five states of matter
     On Thursday and Friday my science class did a document on matter ( and partly physical and chemical change. What I learned from doing that document was that their is actually five states of matter and I only that their was three ( because the three I knew were the most common ). The fives states of matter are solids liquids, gasses ( common ), plasma, and be condensates ( aren't common ).
The other thing I learned was that air counts as matter. I used to not think that because I thought it didn't have a volume or mass to it but I did know it did take up space and anything that is matter has to take up space and have a mass/volume. I also didn't think that because I knew it couldn't be a liquid or a solid and I thought it couldn't be gas. But when I finally changed my mind was when Ms. J said that if you fill up a balloon with air it will way more than it did without air.


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