Project Blog_"Cell Wars" 9]10//16
Summary Link This week in science we completed a project called cell wars that we have been doing for 2 weeks. What you had to do was chose a organelle, mine was the cell wall, and you had to say why it is the best throughout all organelles in cells then best explain that on a poster and video. What I learned from doing this project is that most organisms have a disease. Another thing I learned was that the cell wall is created by this sugar called cellulose. Also that the mitochondria gives humans their energy. The last thing that I learned is that the cell wall determines what comes in and out of each cell and determines the plants actual shape. Backward-Looking The things I knew before this project started was some organelles in the plant cell. Some of the things that I knew that are in the plant cell are the mitochondria, cell wall, cell membrane, and chloroplast. Another thing I knew was that the chloroplast helps the plant do the photosynthe