Systems In a Human Body Info Paper 10/15/15
Friday and Monday we were writing down the definitions of (I believe) organelles that are part of the urinary and digestive system. Here are some examples of some of the organs my class had to write down the definitions for, the esophagus, the pancreas, the liver, the small intestine, and the large intestine. One thing that I forgot to add is that there was one other paper that had the definitions down for my class because I did not want anybody thinking that my teacher would make us write the definitions on our own out of the blue. The way we knew the definitions was because on Thursday or Friday I forgot which day any ways my teacher showed what every organ that we had to write the definition for what each organ did in order. But the fun part was she assigned every single person in my science class an organ to make it fun. What also helped was that Ms. J went over the answers with my science class also she allowed ...
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