Acids, Bases, & Neutrals 11/5/17


     This week in science we learned about acids, bases, and neutrals. What I now know about acids are that they are sour, are corrosive metals, and they turn litmus paper red. I know if a substance is an acid if it is rated on the pH scale from 0-6. I also now know that in order to know what type of the three a substance is you should use the pH scale. The pH scale measures how basic or acidic a substance is. Examples of acids are orange juice, lemon juice. a carbonated drink, and vinegar. As you can see from the examples I gave that acids are sour. What I now know about neutrals are how you know if a substance is a neutral, and how you know is if the substance is rated 7 on the pH scale. Examples of neutrals are all types of salt and water. What I now know about bases are that they feel slippery, and they turn litmus paper blue. I know if a substance is a base if the substance is rated from 8-14 on the pH scale. Examples of bases are windex, detergent, toothpaste, soap, and more. Another thing I now know about acids and bases are that no matter what, if you mix an acid and a base, they will always end up as salt and water (which are both neutrals). Another thing I now know about acids and bases are the main difference between them. The main difference between them are that acids have a lot of positive hydrogen ions, while bases have a lot of negative hydroxide ions. The last thing that I now know about acids and bases are that in chemical equations with acids and bases as the reactants the bases always end with OH (oxygen and hydrogen) and acids always start with H (hydrogen).
Determining if the Substance is an Acid, Base or Neutral Lab

S&EP 3 - Planning & Carrying out Investigations:

     I identified questions to be investigated when I asked "what colors are these substances and where do they fit on the pH scale?" I asked these questions during a lab that we were doing to help me identify if I neutralized the base and acid  and when I had to figure out if a substance was either a base, acid, or neutral based on just color. During the lab I mentioned first I had to investigate to see if the base or acid was neutralized or not. During the second one my investigation was to try and figure out the color of the substance (after mixing it with the universal indicator) very precisely to figure out where it fit on the pH scale. I was investigating what type of substance it was and the pH scale was very helpful for me to be able to accomplish this. Also during the first lab I mentioned we had to draw what we saw to even further our study. We even made tables with the colors so we could organize our investigation. This is how this week I planned and carried out investigations.  
Stabilizing Lab

XCC - Energy & Matter:

     The system I identified this week that relates to energy and matter was stabilizing acids and bases. The system of stabilizing acids and bases s is related to energy and matter because energy and matter are being used in order to stabilize the acids and bases energy and matter are required. Energy is related to this system because in order to to stabilize acids and bases a certain amount of energy is needed by the person who is trying to stabilize. This is because when stabilizing reactions you need to be very still because most of the time you are dealing with a dropper so you could count how much of a certain substance was needed in order to stabilize. When using a dropper you need to be very still and calm which takes a certain amount of energy that not many other activities require. This is how energy is related to the system. Matter is related to the system of stabilizing acids and bases. this is because matter is required because you need a certain amount of matter in order to stabilize an atom or a base. If you can't stabilize a base or an acid in a couple of drops then you will need more of a certain type of matter to finally stabilize the base or acid. Another way matter is related to this system is because really you are stabilizing a certain substance and a substance is a type of matter. So really stabilizing acids and bases really are just stabilizing a certain type of matter. The last reason matter is related is because no matter what, when you are stabilising bases and acids you will almost always need a certain type of matter to do so. This certain type of matter is the universal indicator. This is why matter and energy is related to the system of stabilizing acids and bases.

Multiplier - Initiator:

     This week during science I was an initiator, I was an initiator this week by during the labs I was always asking clarifying questions. These questions really helped the group and me. They helped me by whenever I asked a clarifying question and I would get an answer it would really help me assure myself about certain things. These clarifying questions helped me build knowledge and that is why the clarifying questions were helpful to me. My questions helped the group by my questions always making sure my group was on task, working, and paying attention and also by my questions allowing my whole group to build knowledge. This is because of two reasons, one reason is the same reason why my questions helped me, but also by allowing the person answering my questions to truly understand the topic better. This is because of the fact that if you can actually teach someone else about a subject then it helps build more knowledge for you on that topic. This is why because of my clarifying questions I was an initiator this week during science.


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