Types of Reactions 10/28/17


     This week in science what we learned about was types of chemical reactions. What I now know is each type of reaction and what each is. The reactions I learned about and now know are synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, endothermic, and exothermic reactions. I know that a synthesis reaction is when two or more element or compounds combine to form a more complex compound. I know that a decomposition reaction is when a single compound breaks down into its component parts or simpler compounds. I know that a single displacement reaction is when a more active element takes the place of another element in a compound and sets the less active one free. I know that a single displacement is when the anions and cations of two different molecules switch places, forming two entirely different compounds. Since ions are involved, it is sometimes called ionic. I know that an exothermic reaction is when the reaction releases energy. In exothermic reactions the products have less energy than the reactants.  I know that an endothermic reaction is when the reaction absorbs energy. In endothermic reactions the products have more energy than the products. Another thing I now  know is how the surroundings get affected in exothermic and endothermic reactions. In exothermic reactions the surroundings of the reaction gets affected because then the surroundings will grow warmer because of all the energy gained. In endothermic reactions the surroundings get colder because energy from the surroundings is being taken by the reaction because the reaction wants more energy.All of these types of reactions that I now know are based on the things that I learned this week.

S&EP 6 - Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions:

     I evaluated information to explain and design solutions for what type of reaction the chemical reaction was. The information I evaluated was the chemical equation based on a certain chemical reaction. With each chemical equation given I had to analyze it to identify and construct an explanation for what type of reaction it was and why I know and why it was that type of reaction. I created my own solutions to problems by using the process of elimination to find out what type of reaction each reaction was. I did this by first finding what types of reactions the chemical reactions wasn't to help me figure out and explain what type of reaction the chemical reaction actually was.

XCC - Energy & Matter:

Image result for exothermic and endothermic reactions graphs
     Energy and matter work in the system by energy either being gained or lossed. A reaction can either be an endothermic or exothermic reaction, this means that in a reaction the molecules and compounds will either absorb or get rid of energy. This is the role that energy plays, energy determines what type of reaction each chemical reaction is. Also because depending on how much energy the reactants affects how much energy and what type of reaction the reaction will end up as. If the reactants have to much energy they will be exothermic, if they do not have enough energy they will gain energy.

Multiplier - Learner:

     This week I was a learner because anytime I would figure out or find the answer to something I would always be asking my friends why this was. I knew the answer but I wanted more than that, I wanted to know why it was that answer, by knowing why something is correct it allows you to truly understand the topic better. The whole week I would ask about why a certain reaction was that type of reaction. I really need to know and want to know these things so I can grow more knowledge and truly understand the topic better.


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