Analog and Digital Signals | 3/25/19-3/29/18
Summary: Analog technology is a representation or analogy of some type of measurement. Analog technology usually consists of a dial. Some examples of analog technology are a clock and speedometer. Most of the time, when speaking of analog technology, we usually just mean something that is not digital. Digital technology is when information (measurements) are converted to numbers/digits and the numbers are stored or displayed. Sampling is when splitting occurs in regular intervals to convert analog to digital form. Sampling converts continuous signal to discrete signal then reconstruction turns discrete signal back to a continuous signal. Although, this new continuous signal created by digital technology, is not as exact as the original. This is due to how the accuracy of analog signal is more than digital because digital signal is finite. S&EP 8-Obtain, Evaluate, and Communicate Information: This week in science I obtained, evaluated, and communicated informati