Biodiversity Endangered or Invasive Species Project Blog 2/17/18
Link to My Project Summary: What we had to do for this project was first choose (with a group) if we wanted to present about either an invasive or endangered species. Then after that we had to choose what species we would like to choose (must be a species that is the type you choose in the last step), then you had to research that species and create a 5 min presentation with an infographic to go with it about your species. What I learned through doing this project were the zoology, ecology, and the conservation of the Giant Ibis. The zoology I learned about the Giant Ibis were a description of the Giant Ibis, its adaptations, breeding behavior, and more. I also learned that their is little to no information on the Giant Ibis' breeding behavior, this is due to the fact that the Giant Ibis has an extremely low population that is around 200. The ecology I learned about the Giant Ibis are some abiotic and biotic factors that affect the Giant Ibis, the diet of the Giant Ib