
Showing posts from September, 2015

The Chloroplasts Project 9/24/15

This week in school my class was doing a project on something that is in a cell for example my table did the chloroplast. On the poster that we are doing the project on we have to write the location of the part of the cell you are doing, why it is wanted, its physical description,  and it's accomplices. We had to research everything on our own and only got some help from our science teacher. One thing that I personally thought was cool was that you could do your project on a computer and print it out. One other thing that we had to do for our posters was draw and color based on your physical description which my friend did for our table group. The last thing that I would like to say is that I thought the project really fun but challenging at the same time which is what I like.                                                        To: Ms. Johnson                                                   From: Nicolas        

Bill Nye Paper 9/17/15

Bill Nye the science guy. On Wednesday and Tuesday my class did a paper on cells using a Bill Nye the science guy video. Some questions we had to answer are how many cells does a human have, how many cells does a human start with, and what are two things you have learned from this video. My answer for what are two things you have learned this video are a human body has about 500 trillion cells. Also a human body starts with one cell. One more thing is that today we did a thing called bird brain but  I couldn't finish cause I was talking.

The Importance of Science 9/9/15

      Yesterday my class learned in science based on a guys video why science is important. What we did was we sited, noted, and wrote down things from what we gathered on w shycience is important based on the video. Here are some examples of what I gathered/learned about why science is important  from the video. My first one is in science you can calculate an study things to  make them easier. My second reason is science separates real/true things from lies/myths/false things. My third reason is science has a logical explanation for mostly everything. My fourth reason is that science helps us discover new things to make the world a better or sometimes a worse place. Lastly my fifth and final reason is that science science made everything, the world is science, and without science we would die.                                                     This is the link that I searched on google.